Kratom. It is a plant that is sold in most head shops and gives a high similar (but much weaker) than opiates. You can’t overdose on it but it can be addictive.
Friend one: Hey do you have any Perc 30’s left?
Friend two: Naw, I’m on that hippie heroin
by danasp_42 September 7, 2019
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Heroine is an illicit drug which is a completely different box of frogs to heroin, manufactured by and partly distributed through is the general store of sickness called "Donny's Shop" which distributes a lot of illegal objects such as guns and weapons, bongs and ammunition
Donny: oh Nah Nah Nah there just Waynos batch ah don't eat em..because there fucked mate
Lez: ahh Donny we already ate them
Donny: Oh did ya? HEHEHE A WOOOO oh FUCK did ya... did ya eat one whole one?
Lez: yeah yeah me and sassy ate one why what whats in em
Donny: oh ahh fuck hero... heroine mate
by FactzMan69 March 10, 2021
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some made up rumor that there is music that gets you high by listening to it. complete bs.
this guy at the ymca was passed out from getting high by listening to heroine music.
by truthbetold14 November 6, 2013
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You Shoot it on your arm and O.D.
Ey you got sum heroin

Here you go but itz my last one
by NutHer Butter December 10, 2018
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The brand name under which the pharmaceutical company Bayer sold diacetylmorphine. Heroin (diacetylmorphine) is an acetylated form of morphine. In the body, it breaks down into morphine and 6-acetylmorphine (6AM).
Heroin is a prescription medication in the UK where it is used as a pain medication.
Heroin was once thought to be less addictive than morphine.
by LilaConnor July 22, 2020
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The best, worst thing you will ever do or dream of doing... It will take you to the highest of heights and lowest of lows all in one sitting. Too easy to get into and the hardest to get off of. The Downers of all Downers. The Coup De Gras of Opiates. The poor mans mainlined morphine. It is Heroin.
Man I need more Heroin otherwise I’ll start puking up my guts and wanting to die a quick painless death.
by Sadaro September 20, 2020
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