To act like a fucking retard, or a Clay.
Excuse me sir, but why didnt you do your homework?

Oh i was just squirreling
by sk8flip420yo September 21, 2009
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Someone you like. Mainly someone you want to bang.
Jill: Hey, Bill, do you have a squirrel?
Bill: Jill, you know you're my squirrel. Wanna go have sex?
by squirrel1990 December 21, 2006
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To cuddle; spoon, usually on a couch or bed or anywhere comfortable: hell any place you land.

Usually done with another person(s), or done by self.

Most effective when under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Gives a more relaxing feel to it.

"Awww man Im so tired & stressed out. All I wanna do is squirrel on the couch with my boo."

"Lets all just squirrel with eachother and calm ourselves."
by caseykaz January 29, 2008
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Fuzzy little rodent that enjoy nuts and world domination
they will come and they will win unless we call the exterminater
by mitch July 24, 2003
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creature that owned a small town in England for a week
by Anonymous February 7, 2003
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A person who is very curious, is jumping/running around always looking for something new and exciting to do, and who absolutely can not sit still. Basically just like a squirrel.
He is always squirrelling around and never sitting stil.
by icream December 26, 2011
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