A fucking beast dude is in a movie / movies and deserves a bae bcz why the duck not
Omg caden fritz is a beast!
by Moviestar101 July 2, 2015
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Nay Caden Fernandesđź’źđź’•đź’• ,What can i evn say about him, he is damn handsome and he is such a freaking dumbass but is super nice! Literally a gentlemen!!!! He knows how to treat a girl right and will treat her like a literal princess. đź’–He is the most sweetest guy you will ever meet . đź’•
by MasterX69 November 3, 2022
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The Sigma Caden Grindset is the most impeccable Grindset. This Grindset focus’s on making money in any way possible, even if it means taking lives.
The Sigma Caden Grindset is the most impeccable Grindset. This Grindset focus’s on making money in any way possible, even if it means taking lives.
*Sigma male walks into bank*

- Sigma “this is a robbery anyone breathe you die”
-Beta Manager *Breathes*
-Sigma *Mows everyone down with ultra green shrek rifle chambered in .308 with a 100 round drum* *takes all money*

(15 days later)

-Beta Judge (probably named Ethan and tucks his dick between his legs and wears thigh high socks)
“You have been charged for Armed robbery, Possession of firearm as a felon, Possession of over 800 pounds of crack cocaine and the murder of 36 innocent men, women and children” “since you fired your lawyer and are now representing yourself how do you plead”
“I plead guilty but it’s the grind man, you dig?”
“Oh sorry mister, all the charges have been dropped and we will compensate you with 3000 pounds of Benadryl, 3 million usd, 1200 Ak rifles and you get to fuck my wife”
“As it should be, Peace pussies”
by SigmaMale86281 November 14, 2021
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Caden is a cool person.

A Giadda lover.

Large hairy man : that Caden Tarver

Small hairy man : he loves Giadda
by MeisnotBjdoobooer February 16, 2023
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fat and has a fat name
Caden the builder can fix it!
by Fax lol October 30, 2019
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