To host a major celebration.

(Reference to the Parable of the Prodigal Son; mentioned in the Elton John song, "Bennie and the Jets.")
Dave finally graduated; he's going to kill the fatted calf tomorrow evening...should be a blast!
by scottgrizzard April 12, 2020
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That poster in Margo’s room says “this machine kills facists”
by …0o0 April 21, 2023
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the thing you say when you've heard a really bad joke
Example: Bob-How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.

Benny-Oh god pls kill me
by yeetyeetyeetyeetyeetyeetYEET October 15, 2019
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This is what you say to somebody when you're in a bad situation.

Also used when you are fucked up.
-Hey boi, Have you studied for the exam?
+What exam?
-Tomorrow's exam.
+*Pls kill me*.
by SufferingBoi666 May 3, 2018
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Inserting a tampon and the string looks like a mouses tail hanging out of her vagina.
omg, my girlfriend is such moody bitch right now, she must be killing white mice.
by Ron Damint June 26, 2017
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When somebody cracks a joke and some pubey nerd goes and ruins it with a bad follow up.
A: Your face spotty like an avocado.
B: lol avocado are all bumpy i get it
A: That's a kill...
by NEZ June 24, 2015
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To explain a joke or overanalyse any source of humour, especially when doing so renders it unfunny.
Taken from the expression commonly ascribed to E.B. White: "Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process."
Joke teller: "haha, do you get it? Because that's the only reason a chicken would reasonably WANT to cross a road, regardless of any extra context."
Joke recipient: "way to kill the frog..."
by ruby_wired September 28, 2023
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