To passionately study a topic beyond reason or common knowledge. You can nerd out about Shoes, Mars, or Zelda and know facts that even the most dedicated fan doesn’t know.
I can’t help but Nerd Out on marvel movies; go back and read related comic book arcs, spend hours on Wikipedia and watch every morsel of behind the scenes and making of content.
by Nmo.patman February 26, 2021
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A Nerd Out is when you deep dive a subject beyond normal reason, or common knowledge.

Often this is in an attempt to learn or simply to try to understand the topic at its roots.
Ex: After getting into podcasts, I would nerd out on the subject for days and I found out they used to be called audioblogs, but the name changed after the advent of the iPod.
by February 26, 2021
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A creative nerd is someone who plays fortnite and grinds 20 hours in a gamemode called creative. You'll see them crank 50 90s. if u encounter one run
Person 2: Thats a creative nerd
by A gay boy version965 December 7, 2021
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having geekguap.

Refer to geekguap for definition.
Dizzle: How you living Grem?

Grem: I'm nerd rich, got the geekguap.
by Ern Dizzle June 28, 2011
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When someone has a fit

(Squealing, Giggles, Kicking of Feet and Legs, Jumps of Joy, etc)

over something they are very passionate about.
Dude 1- "Dude, did you give your hot employee those sick-ass shot glasses for Christmas?"

Dude 2- "Yeah, brah. She had a total fucking Nerd Seizure when I gave it to her, I think I totally scored."
by YourAsianFriend December 28, 2011
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A nerd or geek of any spectrum (gender/religious/ect) who gets swole/ripped/shredded. For the sake of either losing weight or mental health issues while holding onto their nerdish/geek/ect tendency.
Remember Jeff? She got swole and her personality is extremely hostile. Yeah he's kinda a Jockish Nerd now.
by Excited Bike December 27, 2021
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n) When multiple nerds congregate in a single room to play video games.
Girl: Hey Jenna, where's your boyfriend?
Jenna: He's busy playing World of Warcraft with several friends at Jason's house, total nerd den.
by looknohandsyolo October 14, 2013
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