Where you are majorly irritated/upset about the naively-stupid action of someone whom you love to death, and so instead of hollering at him, you merely grab him in an aggressively-strong bear-hug and plant a hard smacking kiss on his mouth, then ears-smokingly shove him out of your way and storm off to correct whatever fiasco that he created by his well-meaning-but-horrendously-inappropriate actions caused, such as misusing soap/detergent, oil, water, etc. so that it ruined/soiled something that wasn't supposed to have contact with said fluid. Classic example: where Estelle Getty uses assorted household chemicals and warm water to launder Sylvester Stallone's service-pistol --- and in so doing washes all the bluing off --- in the comedy-farce, "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot!"
I sometimes get really exasperated with my wife when she tries to repair or clean/tidy up my stuff, not realizing that some of the items cannot be processed or handled in an "everyday" manner. I know that she always means well, though, of course, so after she plaintively informs me that she was "just trying to help", I always use aggravated affection to deflect/diffuse my fury... I just near-crushingly squeeze her in a major massive "noisy" lip-lock (i.e., "Oh --- MMMMMMMMWUH!!!") before fumingly stomping off to try to undo whatever disaster she caused... hey, it ain't HER fault if she doesn't realize that you don't use Windex to clean a desk-phone!
by QuacksO October 31, 2018
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To publicly ditch your feelings towards someone through sexual intercourse. This is the most recommended way to cure horniness, it is 100% recommended by most doctors. Public Disposable of Affection (PDA)
Why like a person when you can just go straight and PDA them? Very effective no need for those embarrassing confessions.
It was a G/C lesson and we were discussing sex so my teacher demonstrated Public Disposable of Affection (PDA) on me in front on the class and I got stds, but I liked it.

I caught my neighbor practicing Public Disposable of Affection (PDA) on his dog.

My cousin and I love each other and I know it's incest and we knew society would be against it but we did PDA

I PDAed my younger sister's boyfriend because he knew he was mine.
by sasha.at May 28, 2022
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when players ride JrBus,Doba,Kastro
The Ruthless Affect: Where a player from slaps team. plays 1/21 tours a day, but once they're invited to Ruthless they magically play all 21 tournaments.
by The Ruthless Affect September 29, 2023
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An affective support is somebody that gives affection when you are alone or you have split up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or maybe you feel that nobody understands you. Or everythings goes wronng but somebody is there
Since I changed my job, everything is new to me and he is my affective support
by Pies descalzos November 7, 2017
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Giving your emotional attention to someone with a heart of stone.
I guess I was giving pointless affection for a long time.
by howeverlongitgoeson January 15, 2010
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Dangling happiness in front of somebody until they've been caught in the icy jaws of marriage and are absorbed into one being like angler fish.
A: Have you heard from Rowland lately?
B: No he's been caught by the angler affect, he's gone forever.
by TherealDLimb December 11, 2016
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Pretend like you are going to cut a player from your basketball team. Hopefully, said player will be motivated to score 20+ points a game.
Person 1: Did you cut that new guy?

Person 2: No, I'm hoping the Lin Affect will kick in soon.
by Bnindo1231 February 15, 2012
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