Victoria is perfect. She will always be there for you. She probably plays soccer. She may seem nice but she can beat your ass in a fight. She is amazing. Victoria will probably end up with a guy names Angel
Victoria is amazing
by thebaddieAri September 29, 2019
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Whenever you are with a Victoria, they make you happy. Thy will always make you smile and laugh. That name is music to your ears. You always want to be around them. If you ever encounter a Victoria, never let them go. Trust me, they are one of a kind.
Guy 1- Hey, how’s it with Victoria?
Guy 2- She’s amazing. Honestly I think it would fit as a great ship name too.
Guy 1- you think?
Guy 2- yeah for 2 people. Victor and Ria.
by Sharethecoolranchchips657 March 31, 2019
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Victoria is such a beautiful girl with an amazing soul and an exquisit sweetness. She seems so calm, quiet, shy and sweet at first glance, but when you get to know her, you'll find out her bad ass side that makes her more and more sexy.....
Every one should meet a "Victoria" at least once in his life!
She is sweet, just like Victoria
by hxlr December 8, 2021
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They’re usually the mean girl with NO flavour that will always think of herself higher than the others. Vic’s ain’t shit period
- Why are you making that face?
- I just talked with Victoria and she ruined my whole vibe fr
- Ah nothing new
by November 23, 2021
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Victoria is an amazing person and a great friend she is very loyal and even if all your other friends desert you she will always be there. Yes she is a little weird but that is what you like about her and why you are such good friends, if you think she is the weird one well you probs both are. She is very talented at something most likely art you will ask her how is she so talented but she won’t agree. If you are ever friends with a Victoria never let her go she is one of the best people you can ever meet.
by Stareintothemaggotdraw March 23, 2020
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victoria is a funny and smart person. she likes being around her friends and she is popular among school or work. she knows all the latest gossip and she isn’t very interested in having a boyfriend
by mysticdragon128 December 7, 2019
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Hah, where do I start with you? Victoria was the name of someone I thought at first to be a stripper, but now I realize that that's the name of an Angel. She's the type of person you could trust no matter what. Her personality is one of the greatest you'll ever encounter. And no matter what, she'll always be there for you. No matter how much rain or downpour she experiences, she always tends to reach the clouds. Victoria is the name of someone caring, even when she thinks she isn't. If you ever meet a Victoria, don't lose her, because you don't know how good of a friend she truly is until she's gone. Trust me, you'll want her along for the ride.
Do you see Victoria over there? She's basically the best person in the whole world. An Angel, even.
by Mr. Man maan February 27, 2021
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