When you stick your dick in the womens vagina just as you cum.
Steven, instead of pulling out went in and gave her a cum jab!
by nobstickle 5000 March 10, 2016
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Noun jib-er jab-bed. To mock, or make fun of an individual whom is dressed in extreme motor cycle gear. Usually tends to be living or around a desert. and must drive a baja style lifted ( only in the front colin) toyota tacome with fender flares all around. metal mulissha sticker possibly may adorn the rear window.
by punching ghandi July 27, 2009
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To be punched in the mouth, usually for doing something stupid or irritating.
If you don't give me that twos you promised me you're gonna get jabbed all up the lip.
by mainframejeff July 10, 2009
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the physical act of smoking a cigarette outside your work place, making sure you look cool the whole time.
Guy 1:hey Brock.
Guy 2: hey Grizz.
Guy 1: how was work?
Guy 2: good and you? any Lizards?
Guy 1: I was outside jabbing a Darren and met one Lizard who knew how to have a good time.
Guy 2: Sick!
by Big Grizzly April 28, 2012
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A typical alpha male dick move, will prey upon the insecurities of his handsome young target for instance, Valentines Day, and while appearing single and sweet and heartfelt at first it finally dawns upon his prey, as the door slams shut behind him wedding ring back on, no number, no goodbye, he was just trying to get it in and you, well you let him think you fell for it because lawd knows you got yours!!
If Joses typical stag and jab routine couldn't work at a singles mixer on Valentines day, well he had other issues to tend to, like that alpacha on his head. Oh I mean toupee. Ew
by CWRocksNYC February 11, 2016
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a definition meaning gay/ homosexual and can be substituded for the word at any time or place(to speak in code)
also can be used as JABBY which is the behavior of, or actions, or even the feeling of a gay person
Aaron is so JAB i swear i saw him giving head head behind McDonalds, but he is noe hallf as JABBY as Brittian...
by dawordspecialist June 25, 2007
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To do the once popular "dance move"— the dab— while injuring someone else.
Chris: *jabs* Oh shoot! Honey, are you ok?
by Smith dux Wurd June 24, 2017
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