To withdraw from one institution of higher learning and enroll in another. Usually its from one university to another, but it could also be from one secondary school to another.
After two years of torture and torment, I transferred from Syracuse to Duke University.
by ZIH March 6, 2008
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a person who is an outcast in one school with no friends, no life, and has nothing to do since they have no friends and no life. They usually spend their nights thinking up ideas to do but have no one to do their ideas with. so they leave the school they are at and move to another with the hope that the people at the new school will like them more. but in the end it screws them over because the people at the new school do not like them they continue through life with no friends, no life, and no hope to once have either friends or a life.
Hey I know a transfer. Her name is Rachel Bowker.
by Daboyz March 12, 2008
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Transference is when you “transfer” you personal flaws and garbage to someone else.

Many times, people don’t even realize they are doing this.

Occasionally it is important for personal, positive growth to ask yourself if you are doing this to other people, because by periodically examining your own flaws, you can be aware of them.

By becoming aware of them, you have to opportunity to change and become a better and happier person.
My semi-evil, douche-bag neighbor just told me all this nasty stuff about everyone in town. I have a feeling he is mostly talking about himself indirectly and using transference.
by Ian De La Rosa June 27, 2013
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When one is in the last semester of a community or jr. college. And has gotten accepted into a four year college or university. Leading to laziness, and is reluctant to do homework or anything relating to academia. Because only college credits transfer, not ones gpa. similar to transferitis
I just want to transfer to the U of M already, there is only a month left of my final semester at this community college. I have such bad transferitis that I can't even do homework
by AndytheWoodelf April 3, 2011
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A colloquial term describing when students who are just about to transfer cannot bring themselves to care about their current classes anymore. This apathy often occurs after they've already received a degree from their current college, but are stuck wrapping up general ed transfer credits.
It is really difficult for me to care what my level 100 history class wants to teach me when I'm a couple months away from transferring to a 4 year college. I think I have transferitis.
by Felcaster March 24, 2011
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a state of laziness during the last semester before one transfers to a university.
"damn this is my last semester before I transfer to UCLA, i have massive transferitis."
by mozz February 4, 2006
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In a patient-therapist relationship, romantic feelings can develop. And when that happens, it clouds objectivity and that relationship breaks down.

it's basically a therapist has romantic feelings for a patient and/or the patient has romantic feelings about the therapist.
the romantic feelings clouds the reason why the patient is in therapy. otherwise the romance gets in the way.
s: hey, can i tell you something…? it's about my therapist.
j: of course, what is it?
s: i have… i have feelings for my therapist, the type where i just wanna grab her and kiss her. it's so awkward to have transference feelings for her!
j: that sucks..
by synonymORpseudonym March 31, 2017
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