A person who hates or does not celebrate Christmas and often try’s to ruin it for others- this has no religious connotations to this term
He can be such a grinch this time of year!
by Cm-BBF December 16, 2020
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The guy who stole Christmas then became a fucking pussy, simp and pedophile over a child.
Person1: hey who’s that guy?

Person2: that’s the grinch! He’s a fucking pedophile and a pussy.

Person1: oh yeah I heard about him fuck him.
by BryZing December 24, 2020
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A grinch is a person whom is referred to resemble the looks of the cartoon character known as the grinch.
¨hey bro did you see kayla¨
¨yeah she looked like a grinch today¨
by November 28, 2022
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This ad break makes me grinche.
by grinche2 February 4, 2023
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A popular fan term on Nothing Forever chat was created as a ‘better’ word for frown
Larry why is there a grinche on your face? Do you not like your Crabzilla salad?
by Jank_Toe February 4, 2023
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Like a frown, but with more frustration.
I was so angry at my boyfriend! He's never seen a grinche like this one, right Yvonne?
by KOrgan0824 February 4, 2023
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Eyeballing or casing someones property , either for criminal purposes or just coveting something or things that you might want or like.
" The homeless person was grinch-Hawking the other homeless persons backpacks and electronic devices when the person noticed the person snapped back "" Hey!! You better stop grinch- Hawking my stuff , if anything comes up missing I'm going to Molly womped !!""
" The homeless person was grinch-Hawking the other homeless persons backpacks and electronic devices when the person noticed the person snapped back "" Hey!! You better stop grinch- Hawking my stuff , if anything comes up missing I'm going to Molly womped !!""
by Soberscott0 January 7, 2023
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