When you say the answer, but try to be quiet or tell it to someone, and they tell others when you didn't want to. So, they may or may not thank you or think you're an idiot
Me using zoom in online math class today at: closed left, x<6
*From "Me" to "Everyone"*
Me: crap, I was supposed to sent it only to Mr. Chan, and I'm pretty sure I accidentally started a revolution just now
*Breaking news : An ugly and stupid internet lurker troll starts a random revolution in online zoom class at 10AM this morning, on May 24th 2021. His last words were a random definition he put on a useless dictionary website, which were "I accidentally started a revolution"*
by ♥🗺☠ May 25, 2021
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What happens in the depth of the night when you accidentally find yourself curled around someone.
My buddy crawled into bed with me and I woke up in an accidental spooning situation (A.S.S.).
by Jackal007 December 1, 2013
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A blatantly terrible and profoundly unsatisfying definition that makes you wonder how in the world it got accepted in the first place.

One theory is that there are two populations of Urban Dictionary editors with ingrained muscle memories that cause them to continuously click either publish or don't publish so much that even if they wanted to deviate from their tradition, their impulse takes over and a great opportunity is squandered.

Accidental Urban Dictionary publications are clearly a result of those editors that love to click publish rather than don't publish nonstop.

The opposite of accidental Urban Dictionary publications is difficult to define, since the poor people who submitted those definitions probably deserved to have their exquisitely clever definitions published but received a rejection email anyway due to judges who couldn't change their clicking pattern fast enough for one good definition in a string of bad ones.
Urban Dictionary Editor 1: Oops my muscle memory caused me to accidentally click don't publish for that definition I liked.

Urban Dictionary Editor 2: It's ok, what you just did is compensated by the fact that editors allow accidental Urban Dictionary publications through all the time.
by attifinch June 11, 2011
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When someone farts And then then accidentally craps themselves. I.E shart
Uh oh, hope you didn't just crap yourself, or have an A.A.D. (Accidental Ass Discharge)
by theawesome31 May 28, 2017
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When the funk is too strong and the leg of the keyboard wants to join in. First seen in sky mall by Vulfpeck.
"I love Sky Mall!"
"Yeah, that song was so funky, it even had accidental wurlitzer leg percussion."
by seagullsoars February 6, 2018
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When your banging your chick so hard for so long that you develope a cramp and while trying to shake it off you accidentally hit her spot causing her to yell "Oh yeah right there."
guy #1 last night I got a charlie horse and totally

pulled an accidental porn star move on my chick.

guy #2 That's cool.

guy#1 No it aint. I have no idea what I did.
by MikeCheezmar February 6, 2013
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1. When you cockblock but unknowlingly do it

2. To interrupt a private moment or conversation with two people by accident or unintentionally

3.To make up for your accidental cockblocking afterwards you say U.A.C.
Friend:Man you totally ruined me and Jesse's convo,i was about to get her number.Cockblocker!

Friend:My fault U.A.C.(Unintentional Accidental Cockblocking)

Friend: Alright man its cool then
by Sneakermandan July 17, 2010
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