A narcisistic ex or current boyfriend who strings you along and keeps you hopelessly in love with him by telling you everything you want to hear, including, but not limited to, "you are my soul mate", "I've never had a connection with anyone like this in my life", etc. in attempt to fill his black hole of a soul. He is of course incapable of loving anyone but himself.
I changed Aaron's contact information in my phone to read Toxic Jackhole to prevent me from receiving his texts or phone calls.
by I'm Done 888 April 6, 2011
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The noxious bowel movement experienced after an evening of excessive alcohol consumption.
I suggest wearing a hazmat suit before going into the bathroom because I just took a toxic dump
by Azenger February 12, 2012
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The act of someone inserting their penis into another persons anus while the person on the receiving end of the deal proceeds to defecate onto the giving persons schlong.
Did you hear that Tristan and Tegan did a toxic barrel the other day ! ?
by fagomin August 15, 2016
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A part of somebody's personality that doesn't seem so bad at first but gets worse and worse until the only way you'd tolerate it is if you have a fetish for it
Juan: Have you noticed that Alejandro always manages to leave poop marks in the toilet bowl?
Sofia: Yeah, it's a toxic trait of his.
Juan: Like it didn't really care at first but it's starting to really tick me off. I'm so tired of having to wipe off his shit I think I'm gonna move out.
Sofia: Well I have a Reverse Kanga fetish, so......
by bitcoin potato March 29, 2020
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A friend who when around you belittles you or makes you feel bad about yourself. Someone you hate to be around. Someone who everyone fears, but is still their friend
That Billy Bob is such a Toxic Friend the way he makes fun of me.
by mizballa16 June 10, 2004
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Toxic Narcotic is a heavy punk band originating in Boston, Mass. So heavy, in fact, Toxic Narcotic is probably the heaviest you can get without being metal. They have a lot of songs about saving the environment. They also sing about politics and society.
by JFLV January 15, 2005
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A female that creates conflict and drama within a neighborhood. She will hang out with any guy, thinking that some dude cares about how her life's a mess and how she gets screwed over all the time by her ex-boyfriend. She might call you out on being a nice guy if you don't cheat on her or call her a cunt. You might have a make-out session with her, but she still keeps talking about how her ex-boyfriends a douchebag. Once she's done talking about all of her problems with everything in life, she'll quit dating/hanging out with you and go on and tell the same story to some other dude for awhile. She gives her only couple friends the worst advice in the world and guides them onto a path of misery and fate for the future. At parties, she typically hangs with her only friend or she'll only talk to a group of guys, like I mentioned before, to talk about her stupid ex-boyfriend. Ironic enough, she'll talk a bunch of shit on her ex and then go hang out with him the following day, leaving everyone in confusion. Her favorite hobbies include partying, smoking, and playing division III soccer. Toxic Taylor synonyms include Witchcraft, Female fuckery, or simply... a cunt.
Who is that soccer girl over there that keeps bitching about her ex to some guy?
I'm not so sure, there's a girl we know from home that's like that
Who is it?
Well I forgot her full name, but we call her Toxic Taylor...
Oh I gotcha, those bitches are so wack!
by sneakydudedictionary December 6, 2019
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