Going to the local park during school's lunch break and getting the greatest blowjob from your bf/gf
Ready to go to the park? I wanted to give you a lunch break special ;)
by anonymous2718 September 28, 2022
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I haven't seen you in a long time. You haven't returned my texts with the speed you normally do. You seem like you are kind of distant when we talk or text. Usually said to someone you are clearly not in a relationship with.
I haven't heard from you all day. Are we breaking up?
by muscratgrrl August 22, 2018
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Hey, were you at Take A Break last weekend?! This guy was moonwalking through the entire crowd while holding a beer on his head.
by off.white2020 September 19, 2022
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To tell someone who thinks he/she is funny that they’re not. Phrase coined by Drake in “Over My Dead Body” from Take Care album.
Guy: makes lame joke then laughs
Other guy: bro not funny at all
Third guy: man you’re just gonna let him break your Kevin Hart like that?
by JG49Mke August 13, 2022
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Mom: Dang nabbit! Joe broke a grounding 2 times in a row.
Dad: Joe, you don't ever break grounding!
by JayMoneySpamsL2 April 28, 2021
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