Someone who pretends to be heterosexual when they are an under cover "bottom" in a male to male sexual situation.
Can you believe it? My best friend just found out her baby daddy, "Shane", is a butt pirate!! How awful!
by That Btch September 27, 2022
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A man who pretends to ve heterosexual when he is really low key being a "bottom" in man/man sexual activity.
OMG! I feel so awful! My best friend just found out her baby daddy, "Shane", is a butt pirate!!
by That Btch September 27, 2022
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A person who grabs ass and runs away, much like a pirate with booty.
Geez Josh, you're such a butt pirate tonight.
by I'm not a whore August 29, 2010
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Someone who goes full sail at the sight of booty. Can be used as straight or gay, depending on context.
Jimmy is such a butt pirate! He's always gazing onto football players.
by somedude149 May 28, 2014
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A road pirate is someone who buys and daily drives an ex police vehicle and purposefully makes the vehicle look as close to a active duty police vehicle as possible to scare people on the road.
I thought there was a cop behind me about to pull me over, but it was just a Road Pirate.
by MoxieSoda_ February 10, 2023
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A colorful adjective/phrase pertaining to individuals receiving a large sum of money via settlement, stolen lottery vouchers, or life insurance policy payouts. Often times the money-monger is associated with wives trying to deplete their husband’s equity through divorce. This is due to their consistent unemployment throughout decades and unwilling nature to become a productive member towards society. Those afflicted with this condition will immediately resort to companionship with multiple partners while being married. Oddly enough, those partners include lumberjacks and narcotics abusers. Constant validation from others is a must because well, what do you expect pieces of shit to do???
Therapist : “Sir your wife has a condition commonly known as BPD

Husband : “Naaaaahh!!! That’s just her nigger-rich pirate ways man. She sure is pretty though
by Ivehadenuff April 30, 2023
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Someone who is willing to have intercourse with an animal or is simply attracted towards animals
Josh: Dude, did you hear about john?
Bill: Yeah I did. I hear he fucked a cow. What an animal pirate.
by PoopieMcPooperTon February 6, 2020
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