A mental illness that makes you feel like a third degree burn victim to emotions. Stands for Borderline Personality Disorder and is characterized by 9 diagnostic characteristics. People who suffer are often very intelligent, but low functioning due to impulsive decision making and suicidal gestures.
by girly2580 June 16, 2017
This is a mental disorder that is characterised by turbulant relationships with others. BPDs often instigate arguements just for the sake of the conflict.
by Eifflull June 25, 2006
“You have BPD? Damn, that must be hard, man. I’m so sorry to hear that. Whatever you went through must have been rough.”
“Haha. Yeah. It sure is hard. Haha. Haha. Ha.”
“Haha. Yeah. It sure is hard. Haha. Haha. Ha.”
by I actually have BPD. January 13, 2021
Backwards-parked doucher: Someone who parks backwards and is a total douche about it, often times playing loud douche music as they pull in.
by Obamaniqua245uhh May 16, 2010
It stands for the booty police department and it's often misunderstood by millennials as the abbreviation of borderline personality disorder because the Illuminati wants us to forget the true nature of booty and how much trouble it can cause on the streets.
by lightskineinstein October 19, 2018
BPD means Big Penis Disorder. This disorders main symptom is an unusually large male reproductive organ.
“Oh my god have you seen how he walks around??”
“Yes!! It’s so long its dragging behind him like a third leg! haha”
“Don’t joke about that!! Its a serious disorder, he has BPD :/“
“Yes!! It’s so long its dragging behind him like a third leg! haha”
“Don’t joke about that!! Its a serious disorder, he has BPD :/“
by BPD Survivor October 19, 2023