1. A person known to wear a puff also referred to as a dick on thier head a person whose a mess however their beauty still seems to shine through
Boy that girls one Fizz POp!
by isma June 9, 2006
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fizz dick is when your mate has a mentos and 7 up in there mouth while giving a blow job
by beana91 January 16, 2010
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Microbrewed beer that is yellow, fizzy and flavorless. It mimics factory made beer you buy in cans and caters to people who are not accustomed to drinking craft brews. It allows those new to microbrewed beer to adjust their palatte to the stronger flavors of real beer.
That Yellowtail Pale Ale is fool fizz, you might as well drink Bud, it tastes the same and its cheaper.
by dokdive March 3, 2009
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Vitamin-loaded, sugar-free energy drink mix that's tastes like Flintstones chewable vitamins meets Alka-seltzer that my wife thinks is delicious and reminds me of my mom giving my a chewable vitamin as a kid. I firmly reject those Zip Fizz pitch people at Costco and Sam's Club that try to force their nasty samples of death on me.
Zip Fizz is the second nastiest energy drink on the planet, next to the kale, peanut butter, raw egg, bee pollen and apple cider vinegar smoothy my body-builder nephew drinks.
by Crack of Don August 30, 2017
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dartford slang for speed.derived from the man of eternal youth
wheres me dando
by les nolan December 28, 2004
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When you put soda in your butt and shake it around until fizz squirts out.
Billy wants to drink from my fizz fountain
by BigJak May 7, 2008
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Cheap lemonade with copious amounts of jizz and spit in
Dave: Bobby, you cunt! Why did you serve me a Bingley Cloudy Fizz?
by Greg_the_Smeg February 12, 2019
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