This is what I call the poorly educated that hold their eating utensil like a shovel and generally act like a pig. 'Struction workers are famous for it.
Look at that deplorable food piggy shoveling food into his face. Let's go somewhere else.
by Master of The Factory August 12, 2018
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An erection caused by dining on something delicious. Occurs most often when having a great meal for the first time a long while. Also appears when you least expect it, and is hard to control if you are enjoying your dish quite slowly.
I hadn't eaten Subway in so long, and I was missing my buffalo chicken special. I got one tonight and I took one bite and could not believe how perfectly toasty and warm and fresh everything was on it this time, that I ended up getting a food boner. Never has a sub gotten me hard like this before!
by ThatOneFoxGuy November 25, 2013
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Food that is made of vegetables, such as a salad.
This diet has me eating mostly critter food from the salad bar!
by I, Wreckerrr November 1, 2016
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Paper food is an alternate term for fast food.

If someone hands you food wrapped in paper or styrofoam, you're about to eat some paper food.
The Mango Mussolini seems as clueless as one can be about fine cuisine, as he is known to eat steak with ketchup and proudly consumes paper food on a regular basis.

Being drunk and stoned at three in the morning is a precarious place to be if you're trying to avoid paper food.
by Lârry Dângüs, esq. June 5, 2017
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Low quality processed food-like products consumed by the masses. Usually high carbohydrate/high fat refined foods, mixed with cheap vegetable oils and fillers.
Example 1.

Friend: Hey Jenny, do you want fries with your steak?

Jenny: No thanks, I don't eat fiat food.

Example 2.

"Brian is fat because all he eats is fiat food. He needs to lay off the carbs and eat some steak".
by The Amur Leopard June 29, 2019
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A term for coins and other valuables that one can place into a piggy bank for safe-keeping.
Check it out - three quarters! That is some sweet piggy food right there.
by Oink_oink_daaaaang November 12, 2010
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