A woman who does dirty things in church parking lots.
Man, that Amanda, she’s a sinner.
by Sinner39 August 16, 2020
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Hmmmm... What to say... Every definition of Amanda on this site is nice, and I wonder which Amanda's these people have met. First, quite simply Amanda is like the sun; she tends to shine very bright when looked directly at. Is this due to her attractiveness? Possibly... However, I feel as though there is more to it than that. Her eyes shine with a playful hope to be loved...or so it seems. Second, she is also just as good at hiding her shine in the wrinkles of her oversized sweaters. This may seem to be a way in which hold her cookies close to herself... Who knows. This girl may not be a tease, but she does know how to draw boys in. Amanda has too many friends who are boys, and while she has the innate desire to be a bro, she must face that fact that boys want her to be more than a bro... Finally, though she be very well-spoken, Amanda freezes upon talking about her feelings resorting to writing or a lot of "I don't know, man!" This is a result of her potentially believing that no one will truly be able to understand, but this doesn't mean many boys, including myself, will stop trying. In a lot of ways, you will never "have" this girl, for in the end she is the one that holds the cookie jar and your heart too. Hope this is a more accurate description of Amanda than the blind romanticized blebs about the perfection of Amanda. She may not be perfect, but she can be perfect for you.
Sad boi: "Why is Amanda not as perfect as the Urban Dictionary definitions!"
Reality: "Because she isn't, but maybe you'll learn how she's perfect for you... Probably not though."
Sad boi: "Hmmm. I'll wait a year and decide then..."

Dreams: "You will hurt her!"
Boi: "I do know her enough for that!"

Dreams: "You will...or you'll just suck a toe!"
by SADBOIRIANWITHAB October 29, 2019
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Female,Fire breathing, devil dragon from the firey depths ofHell. Feeds on the souls of simple-minded and innocent young males in the general area. Rips out the heart and mind and devours them whole. Also, after the feeding of the heart and soul, the devil dragon haunts the very person that she fed on, she haunts their dreams and minds for the rest of eternity. The hauntings begin with nasty looks and random calls. The demon then takes over your close freinds and new girlfreinds and family. The rest of your life is runined unless you can get her hauntings out of your mind and dreams. Then you must move and and try to avoid this bloodsucking wretch at all costs. Never return to the grasps of this Devil or the treachory and deciet, which impedes your very thought train, will begin again, your newly found heart and soul will, once again, be eaten. Your life as you and everyone else knows it, is lost for the rest of eternity
Amanda latched onto my soul for the second time. I can't believe she lied and made sweet passionate FUCKtime with my closest freinds.
by lost soul. February 24, 2010
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(1) An over used, common, boring female name.

(2) A female that is really a male.
(1) Hi, I'm Amanda and this is my friend Amanda and that is her friend Amanda and so on...

(2) A-MAN-DA.

Is that a guy or a girl? Neither it's an AMANDA!
by D.H.H July 18, 2008
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A 13 year old brat who goes out and has sex and smokes weed and skips school
Amanda "Hey let's go out when mom and dad are asleep and go to a high school party and get drunk and drive my brothers car
by Jccalis2003 May 27, 2017
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Amanda is...well.... she's just so... Amanda.
by Vegetarian trash April 28, 2017
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Someone who will lie to you for your money or friend connections. Has no feelings. Stupid. Usually your best friend for a long time before you find out she was stealing your money and jewelry. Will stalk you. Eats everything with a topping, like ketchup. Extremely stupid and will end up pregnant and with out a husband. Amanda binds is the only exception to this. She's funny and sweet.
Have you seen my money?


Damn amanda stole it again!
by Ilike3things1isyou August 18, 2009
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