person one: “Jump my line
person two: *texts person 1 or calls*
by MeMeLu July 25, 2022
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a line of being near cancelled

named after the infamous KiwiJoe
person 1: the september 11th incident was not all bad

person 2: you're walking the kiwi line
by waffelix May 5, 2023
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The cheyenne line is a psychological line that separates platonic friendships and intimacy. The cheyenne line doesn't have to include sex, though it often occurs as people open up and be honest with someone else about matters that significantly affect them.
Lindsey: How was your date?
Marly: It was good, he crossed the cheyenne line when he drew a line from my nose to my lips and then kissed me.
Lindsey: What after?
Marly: We talked for two hours in my car about my divorce and my mother's passing.
Lindsey: Oh did you have sex.
Marly: Yea... We had a really honest and intimate conversation.
by bobsaget21 February 2, 2020
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in 700AD teegans pickup line was "Are you ready for Daddy?", now in 2023 she says, "do you want this fuego?"
Amber: *being normal*
Teegan (pick up line) : "Are you ready for daddy?"
by SerenadingCats September 9, 2023
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A form of communication used by a JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller) in the military to get Close Air Support onto a target. Not like the stupid "We need air support!" bullshit in movies. Each "Line" is a statement of brevity that represents information given to the pilot. 1st line is IP/BP to target, etc.

the 9 line is passed off to the pilot, who then reads back lines 4, 6, and 8. After that, the JTAC will pass on additional info or remarks, before a "Talk on" (basically the JTAC and pilot communicating to ensure that they are on target) Following the talk on the pilot makes their "IN" call before being cleared hot to drop ordnance. Then, boom. Shit blows up I guess.
Nine Line: (JTAC) "Recoil 1-1, Widow 5-1, as fragged, 270 offset north, 10.4, 3-0-0 feet, mechanized column, grid 0-7-0-7
Keypad 7, target marked with laser code 1688, 700 meters southwest, pilot discretion."

Line 4, 6, and 8 readback: (Pilot) "Widow 51, Recoil11, read back, 3-0-0 feet, 0-7-0-7 keypad 7, 700 meters southwest. Ready remarks"

Pilot requests the talk on (Pilot) "Widow 51, Recoil 11, ready talk on. I see an east-west road with some buildings to the south."

Pilot confirms target location: (JTAC) "Recoil 11, Window 51, call contact on the northern most building in that group south of the road."

(Pilot) "Contact."

Pilot makes the IN call to begin the attack: (Pilot) "Widow 51, Recoil 11, In from the east, 30 seconds"

JTAC clears the pilot to attack the target: (JTAC) "Cleared hot"
by StuffMyCroissant August 8, 2023
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The slang country name for Digital Subscriber Line. DSL is the worst Internet Service there is. The Real name of it should be Dip Shit Line.
Out in the country your internet will usually be very slow and very bad Dip Shit Line that will drop off multiple times a day from usually only one ISP internet monopoly.
by VengaFan May 2, 2020
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