A person who doesn't realise you really arn't supposed to buy anything other then collectables on ebay and spends his time looking for cheap deals on furniture.
Bob is a real ebay fanatic - he won't stop looking for cheap computers.
by Bob Swanson October 13, 2004
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The horrible feeling you get in the pit of your stomach after you've paid for an item you won on eBay that still hasn't arrived more than three weeks later.
That fricken kumquat peeler I bought on eBay hasn't come in the mail yet and it's been nearly a month! I've got a major case of the eBay jeebies.
by kiwi_david January 11, 2011
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Buying sumat on ebay while drunk. not buying one thing but buying three of the same item.
i was ebay drunk and now have three items that are the same
by Javindius massam February 5, 2010
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To 'lose' something that doesn't belong to you on eBay, making a hefty profit in the process. Normally related to items that you borrowed from work previously.
Me: What happened to your work laptop?
Dave: It's lost on eBay. Like my new watch?
by Mr I didn't do it August 16, 2007
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Buying up products from one ebay marketplace and selling it on another ebay marketplace to make a hefty profit.
Very similar to Stock Trading.
This morning I bought 20 iPhone 4s from Australia for $100 each and sold them all for $250 each in Canada. I think I might just quit my day job and become an Ebay trader because Ebay Trading just made me $3,000 richer!
by ebaytraitor April 14, 2011
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When something just barely passes as being in a "new" condition or looks tampered with but still in original packaging.
person 1: wow are those shoes new?

person 2: Yea they just came in the mail, but when I opened the box the size and price were ripped off the box and there was a little dirt on the bottoms.
Person 1: oh... so they're eBay-new? but they nice doe.
by Joey Bag's of Donuts September 12, 2016
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When something just barely passes as being in a "new" condition or looks tampered with but still in original packaging.
person 1: wow are those shoes new?

person 2: Yea they just came in the mail, but when I opened the box the size and price were ripped off the box and there was a little dirt on the bottoms.
Person 1: oh... so they're eBay-new? but they nice doe.
by Joey Bag's of Donuts September 12, 2016
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