A fearsome girl who doesnt take shit from anyone! Will often ignore you or delete you off BBM if you say one thing wrong. Very difficult to figure out and wont hesitate to slap you through the face if you touch her perfect hair.
John: Ashleys' hair looks so nice today.
Jack: Just dont touch it or she will beat the shit out of you!
by Moon Bear February 24, 2012
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A very caring and considerate girl. Brown-haired blue-eyed. She has many friends and loves them all. She can be a bitch to anyone at anytime. She is boy-crazy but never has long-lasting relationships. Smart, athletic, pretty, curvy, mean, nice, caring, careless, and very self-conscious.
Guy 1: That girl Ashley is so nice I wish she wouldn't have dumped me.
Guy 2: Me tooooo. She's perfect in every way
Guy 3: I think she likes me.
by An Ashley- Crusher October 28, 2013
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A beautiful, short, athletic girl who is the best grilfriend you could ever have. she's funny, optimistic, and just an all around out going person. She's extremely lovable. She likes to date tall jewish white males with curly hair named Levi. Ashley's are extremely rare, and Levi is lucky to have her and he Loves her with all his body
Aww that's so sweet, you're such an Ashley.
by Jewboy81 March 4, 2012
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The person who lags behind when walking in a group forcing everyone else in the group to wait on their slow ass.
Could also be used as a verb, to ashley, Ashleying
Ashley keeps lagging behind, we better wait on her so she doesn't get raped.
by PromGroup69 May 5, 2013
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Somebody who always takes things too far!
" you dickhead"

"yeah you cunt" - Woah too far ashley
by jordi2k6 April 19, 2011
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The most amazing girl and she dates boys named Kevin and she is treated like a queen.
Kevin: Your amazing
Ashley: You treat me like a queen
by Hipie November 23, 2012
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