1) Something in which labor is expended. *v*

2) A place of employment. *n*

3) Illegal/illicit drugs or weapons being sold on the street by a dealer. Typically drugs. *n*
by SkyyAlexander October 25, 2008
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When a car has been moddded with tons of goodies
That WRX STI with black and polished lip is worked or That Vishnu Lancer EVO is worked.
by Sachasaurus Rex February 2, 2005
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When annoying or raping someones wall cheers them up.
We raped your wall...did it work?

"It worked"
by meowserrs December 30, 2011
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Funny play on words used by successful management types. Can be combined with finger guns for the ultimate combo.
Supervisor: Hey Joe! Working hard or hardly working? Hahahaha.

Joe: Hahahahaha! You're the best boss ever!
by dunderscott January 4, 2010
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Khuyen does not do any fucking work when she goes to Mrs.Whitesells media arts class.
by ImAGeOsTrOm March 31, 2018
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A pathetic attempt at word play and stock phrase of the middle-management careerist asswipe. Often accompanied by finger guns. Bang bang.
Supervisor: You working hard, Joe?
Joe: Yes.
Supervisor: Working hard or hardly working? Hahaha!
by cubiclejoe April 13, 2007
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