16 Valves was a defining moment in the development of the combustion engine. Any car fitted with this technology had performance that was unsurpassed by any other vehicle on the road with the exception of Turbo or Twin Turbo cars. Vauxhall were renowned for their 16 valve technology and deployed it across a range of its hatchbacks none more successful in sales or performance than its Astra GTE. These cars were so fast that they were quicker than shit off a shovel. High recognition indeed when gauging 0-60. Astra GTE's were almost exclusively owned by the rich and famous except for the many tens of thousands that could be found across the council estates of the U.K.
The R's must be doing very well they are driving a 16 Valves! Astra GTE they are like shit off a shovel.

Hmm you say that but they didn't pay the extra to have it in a metallic or pearlescent colour they've just got it in a bog standard ROSSO RED.
by Another pseudonymal August 5, 2022
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Sarcastic reference to da "checks in but doesn't check out" performance of unwanted body-mass dat many folks experience, especially those with low metabolism and/or edema or other medical conditions dat hinder da efficient processing of carbs, salt, and glucose.
Many highly-advertised waistline-reducing diets may not only be ineffective, but they can really be a "one-weigh valve" for your MONEY, as well, in that you just keep spending more and more over long periods of time in an effort to drop the poundage, while never really getting all that much in the way of noticeably-positive results.
by QuacksO March 8, 2020
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Refers to a careful inspection of the positioning/operation of a new/replacement one-way flow-stopper to make sure it's being installed in the correct "direction".
Zero was too stupid/unaware/forgetful to perform a "check valve" detail when hooking up the plumbing for the Camp Swampy mess hall, and so now there are geysers squirtiin' up all over da camp, but no water coming out in any of the kitchen-faucets --- just something more for Sarge to bellow about.
by QuacksO August 12, 2018
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1) The part of a kitchen faucet that needs to be cleaned for better water pleasure

2) The part of a women's who whoha that opens when you excited her
by September 15, 2022
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What you create when you place the mouth of a beverage-bottle whose contents you plan to finish right then under your nose, press it inwards lightly to form a seal, tilt your head back, and then slowly slide the bottle downwards so that its opening gets gradually exposed overtop of your mouth and you can thus guzzle the liquid directly down your throat; the trick is to keep your upper lip pressed against the mouth of the bottle so that you're still partially covering the bottle's mouth, and thus the drink glugs out slowly enough to allow you to swallow it at a comfortable rate until the bottle is empty.
I often get odd looks from others when I employ the "upper-lip valve" method of drinking out of a bottle, but it allows me to both still breathe freely while I'm downing said libation, and also keep from spilling it all over myself, and so I don't really mind being thought of as a bit weird or inelegant.
by QuacksO September 21, 2019
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scooping a fucking valve
like a proper valve you work with
scoop her out like winnie the pooh scoops out the honey pot
i scoop the valve also known as steph wiseman last night
She stroked my gray beard
I was asleep
by Mr R Gray November 4, 2010
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The built in autonomous self-repair system that exists inside the motor of a 2-valve 4.6L DOHC Ford V8 motor.
I hit a puddle and water got into my motor, causing an engine tick and a triple misfire, but after a week or two, the 2-valve Regenerative Repair System kicked in and the tick is gone and all 8 cylinders are firing normally.
by Stratton 2-valve September 10, 2020
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