A school full of shit talkers, wannabe gangsters,teacher pets,and skater kids.
Valley View middle school is a school of kids waiting to go to simi high school to start more fights and roumers.
by A metal tree May 9, 2022
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a really lame private, christian high school with only about 200 really lame kids. it should not even be considered a place of learning, more like a prison.
scooter: have you ever hung out with those valley lutheran high school kids?

todd: yeah they're so lame!
by tootie2511 March 23, 2009
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The worst school in the world. This is the ghetto! Located in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, this school gives the Hazleton School District a bad name. About 1,100 students go to this dump. About 90% of the students that go there are bad. It does not offer students a good educational experience. It's so bad!
MOM: "So, honey, how was your day at school?"

KID: "Terrible. I can't stand that place anymore. It's such a
bad school."

MOM: "I know, honey. But you're in the sixth grade. You only
got two and a half more years there. Then you're out
of that school and off to high school."

KID: "Thats if I make it to high school. Valley Elementary/Middle
School is so bad that I just wana be a drop out. I can't
handle going to that place anymore."
Valley Elementary/Middle School is horrible. I've had a better and happier experience visiting a poor third-world country than going to that dump!
"You walk into Valley Elementary/Middle School and you are shocked at how bad the kids are. I'm glad I don't go there."
by Anthony Marchello January 17, 2010
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High School in central NJ. Main activities include wrasslin', football, drawing swastikas in the bathroom stalls, Xbox 360, smoking weed, being mediocre, attending lame pep rallies, girl's field hockey, chanting "USA! USA!" at the visiting team from Plainfield for being largely Latino during a home soccer game, smoking weed, being deluded into thinking Lil' Wayne is a good rapper, telling cool stories to bros, acting like a jackass in class, smoking weed, eating synthetic lunch food, high school sex, being homophobic, ripping the stupid freshmen, wearing clothes that make you look like what some would call a douchebag, wearing school merchandise like it's cool or something, smoking weed, repeating what's been on Sportscenter for the last week and half with your friends, standing in the hallways, spreading rumors, half-assing it, and smoking weed.

Did I mention smoking weed?
I created a definition for Delaware Valley Regional High School on Urbandictionary.com

Will this make the girls there like me any better?
by Cartman's Undescended Testicle January 10, 2012
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A school of about 2300 students in suburban Mt. Holly, NJ. It is commonly referred to as RV or RVRHS. RV is known for its school spirit, diverse student population, and its interaction with the surrounding community. Although many in the area frown upon the school as "ghetto" or "bad", this comes from people who have not actually experienced going to the school. RV is well funded and has plenty of computers, classes, and even SMARTboards in almost all of the rooms. It also has a significant amount of graduates who go to top colleges around the nation.
Rancocas Valley Regional High School
by Pleased Student November 12, 2009
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A school in Sussex County, New Jersey that is filled with smelly rednecks, assholes and wannabe bullies. The desks smell like the janitors wipe their assholes all over it and the bullies are too pussy to say anything to your face so they will just post mean stuff about you behind a screen but act like a bitch when you confront them. If you're thinking of going to this school don't. Just stick to home schooling. You're better off and you'll still make friends.
Jimmy: Hey, I'm thinking of going to Wallkill Valley Regional High School
Mel: Don't man. I heard that school is horrifying.
by Jimmy1996 September 5, 2017
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CVR means surprisingly a best choice high schoolfrom across the valley. This school is full of wannabe thugs when really they all migrate from farms. Their daily hobbies involve sitting on a lobby bench watching people walk by, they get their rush from drinking, cigarettes and shit weed then post pictures of themselves getting ready for their shit dances that ain't even lit. Lots of different area children go to this school, Huntingdon zulu's, like 2 black people, Drop in kids from HSB, some exchange students, and fake white gir- hoes - who should just stick to milking cows rather then attempting to dab and inhale markers or sniff glue.
Chateauguay Valley Regional High School: Zulu farmer graduate: Where you going to college eh?
Other wannabe thug: Don't need to! I'll work on granddaddys farm.
by Theanontruth March 20, 2016
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