Guy 1: Hey man do you want to go torch one? Its monkey paw. Guy 2: Hell yes bro I haven't tasted that strain in years.
by jimmybomm June 10, 2021
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When a male or female, places their head on the ground or base of a chair, raises their butthole towards the sky (straight up) and releases a fart upon proper signaling. It is representative of the classic lighting of the Olympic torch that is used at an Olympic games.
Lex "Nick light the Olympic torch up baby!"
Nick *raises butthole to the sky and lets one rip*
Mitch - wtf is going on
by blackhawk700 December 5, 2019
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Another word for lighter, usually a smoking lighter
Hey bro i need a torch to light this minecraft
by El_Doughnut February 26, 2015
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Another name for burning something down or committing arson.
Coca Cola wants us to be less white, so I'm going to loot one of their delivery trucks, then torch it.
by TommyNoleBuc September 16, 2022
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The Foster the People album with Pumped Up Kicks on it, released in 2011.
You know Pumped Up Kicks?
Yes, and you should listen to the whole album, Torches
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Its a sexy door
Thats a really torchy door you got there
by wtfmommy April 30, 2023
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To set fire to a small wad of toilet paper in the toilet bowl in a public or private bathroom, an attempt to mask the horrific odor after a bowel movement.

Taken from the act of torching an automobile to cover up the evidence or dead bodies inside.
I torched the bathroom at Taco Bell after binge drinking at the college football game and eating several bean burritos.
by Horace P. Manure September 25, 2009
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