Its the Perfect place to meet people. Not only people tho you can meet a dog, a cat ,your Math Teacher or even a wild Rosa. Don't let this Perfectly good opportunity go to waste.The Library isn't exclusive to friendly Relationships tho you can meet your dreedphobes, a "HEAVEN", sometimes you can even find your true Love.Meet People at the Library now!!!!
"Oh you're so lonely,you should really Meet People at the Library"
by Amdreed May 14, 2022
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a phrase used to describe an intellectual girl who also happens to be incredibly attractive.

she may embrace such things as post-modern feminism, russian literature, left-wing or third party politics, and string theory, but you probably don't care about any of that because you're too busy trying to figure out how to get into her pants.

this rare and fascinating creature probably speaks at least one other language fluently, and could kick your ass at trivial pursuit.

she is most certainly out of your league.
horny bastard: "dude, check out that girl in the horn-rimmed glasses."
generic wingman: "she's one of those brainy chicks, man. she's the cutest girl in the library."
horny bastard: "too bad. i'd hit that."
by tangerine kicks daisies October 30, 2009
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A large public library located on the campus of the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT used primarily for sleeping and having sex.
"Lets have go have sex in Homer Babbidge Library, Jenny! You know, the place with all the books."
by slaxhere April 8, 2009
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A non-profit organization whose mission is to collect and distribute current medical textbooks and journals to war-torn countries through a partnership with American medical schools, hospitals, and physicians and the United States military.
Operation Medical Libraries will significantly enhance the initial and continuing medical education of healthcare professionals in communities crippled by the lack of materials, with which to teach, learn and provide healthcare of all kind.
by Heather Anne July 15, 2008
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kids who hang out by the library, usually have lunchboxes of retro cartoons, and play guitars and hackysack
Dude, whats up with those library lunchbox kids dancing in the rain and hugging trees?
by bobbo wilkes April 27, 2004
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A School that recently screwed its students by blocking the website
"The Malvern Prep Library is stupid now because they blocked some websites"
by JT SLOPPY JACKOS May 10, 2005
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That @#$%* who works at my school library and guards the bookshelves, saying things like "I'm going to report you kids! How dare you stand and talk by those bookshelves! You are blocking off the other students from getting books!" when there is absolutely NO STUDENT anywhere nearby looking for books (true story.) Will also make sure that no one puts a backpack on a table, and takes a tally of how many students enter the library. Any other librarian who acts in a similar manner.
Man, my school is f***ed up because of that library nazi!
by Sangochan January 29, 2007
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