If one was born in No Nut November or Destroy Dick December they can or cannot particpate in the month they were born in, making them the people who force others to particapate. Mostly likely they will say Beat Your Dick.
Jack: Hey guess what's today
Tom: Oh no its december 9th
Jack: *cocks shotgun* BEAT YOUR DICK
Tom: *cries* why do you have to be the nut guardian?
Jack: Because its my birthday so now BEAT YOUR DICK
Nut God: The nut guardians must make sure you pass your test
by NONUTTINGBITCH October 31, 2019
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A fucking op weapon in fallout 4 that does double damage and is bought from vault 81
Holy shit I just 1 shit a mirelurk king with the overseers guardian
by Sans from fallout 4 February 21, 2023
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A person who reads a statement in the morning and preaches by the afternoon
Luke Skywalker knows nothing of the force in the morning, meets Obi Wan, learns a bit about the force. Thinks he's a jedi by tea time. Such a guardian reader!
by Gavgav86 September 11, 2020
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A company that scams people who are in debt.
Guardian Debt Relief lies to its customers.
by Green Pill December 31, 2020
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A NaVi CS:GO player who is good with AWP.
Guy 1: Dude have you seen GuardiaN on the tournament?

Guy 2: Yea, this guy is cracked with his snipes!
by FartGarfunkel March 11, 2020
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A term used generally for Nazis and Neo Nazis. The term is derived from those that guarded concentration camps.
Don't go in there, it's a Guardians bar.
by Polyglottted July 23, 2021
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When your non-binary friend wants a parental term to identify by. So you shout GUARDIAN!
"Not mom, not dad, I is GUARDIAN"
Wow, what a badass friend.
by yeehawturds December 10, 2021
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