A pencil-like mustache that would be befitting a pedophile
Dude see Cien over there in the playground. Dude is sporting a serious pedo-stash we should call the police.
by Cienispedophile January 21, 2021
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The three main elements of expenditure for a Uni lad. Typically, how his student loan will be spent.
Can't believe I spent all my loan on stash lash and gash already..

Good lad.
by Lashatron3000 April 8, 2011
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a teeny tiny hair under the nostrils. seen on Adolf Hitler. who is by the way, STILL ALIVE, living in Cuba along with Tupac and Biggie.
Nazi 1: " Ooogash bileegin yencen!"
Hitler: " BLASHHG"
Nazi 1: " you have a wee bit stash"
Hitler: " tru dat nigga"
by j3vv41yf3 November 6, 2005
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Sanch stash in other ways sancho stash in which one plucks a pube from there underwaste and places it on another above there
Omg John im going to give justin such a bad sanch stash
by Brian Zomg May 8, 2006
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a pre pubescent mustash that 12-16 year olds have
hey look the kid has a mexa stash
by lil mexxa November 5, 2008
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When a fine young girl is dating an ugly creeper with a mustache, we call him her Mustache Cash Stash.
Guy 1: Dude, whats that hot piece of ass doing with that fat dude with the creepy mustache?
Guy 2: Oh, thats just her Mustache Cash Stash.
by Teh Big O June 1, 2021
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