A hardcore metal rock band that started in their early teenage years. Their music includes power rock chords and some screaming. They had guitars special made with 7 strings, instead of the usual six stringed guitar. A very good band that unfortunately broke up.
Sample Lyrics of Dry Cell : "This is our new revolution.. before we wish our final days.."
by Bestxofxme July 11, 2006
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when someone can't hold a conversation and replies with one word answers.
"Jared is such a dry texter."
"amber can hold a conversation, she is not a dry texter!"
by tiktokfan2 June 1, 2020
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When a girl or guy ferociously gives a guy a handjob against his will and with no lubricant.
Adam: ahh Maddy what are you doing?!
Maddy: Im too tired to get the lube.
Adam: nooo! Not a dry chippydog!
by pinchybrah August 3, 2019
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pinching your scrotum between your thigh and the toilet seat to keep your balls out of the water
person #1: every time i sit on the toilet my balls hit the water
Person #2: bro, you need to stick your sack under your thigh and make a "dry hammock" to keep them above of the water
by rokthemullet July 8, 2014
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A serious condition for which the application of hand lotion will only provide temporary relief if used daily. True long term solutions for this disorder require regular fluid applications with the help of a friend.
Rising case numbers of Dry Dick in the world can have truly devastating consequences, these include crankiness, more reckless driving, and the odd urge of dictators with micro penises to invade smaller neighboring countries.
by IronMikey April 4, 2023
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A dry, skin-on-skin hand job with no included lubricant.
Dude, I really simped for 6 months just to get a Dry Austin”
by Plzmakethisathing November 12, 2020
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The action of putting one's dry big toe into another's ear. Not to be confused with the wet Danny or the wet Willy.
While driving my girlfriend gave me a dry Danny from the back seat!
by DryDanny August 26, 2017
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