In first person shooter games, this is a person who likes to camp at the absolute highest point of the map (such as a crane) giving them unfair amount of high visibility than all the other players and snipe people from the sky. Regarded as annoying and having poor marksmanship strategy.
Wow, I died to a proper crane wanker! Take your shite weapon and sod right off mate!
by Kit Rat February 21, 2020
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Olivia (Livvy) is annoying and determinant, she is as annoying as an Olivia. She does drama and is not very good at it. She does English and she thinks she is good at it. She knows where this really hot sexy boy lives. She lives in England. She is very weird but she can be less weird. There is no deoxygenated blood in her lungs as she is full of oxygen. She knows how to box as well.
Do you know what to do Olivia violet crane is coming
by Kingtoby123 May 8, 2023
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A person who has very strong arms and typically muscular
My gosh, Tyson has very strong crane arms, he can lift a fridge
by Jahamez July 20, 2019
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It is when a woman is laying on her back and a man is standing over her with one long shot of extended sperm. Hanging together for at least 7 inches or more before it breaks off into her mouth.
I was going to give her on big cum shot to her face, but instead I stood over her face a gave her The Charleston Crane directly into her mouth "extending 9 inches long." That's a new record for me.
by Low Standards May 9, 2010
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a female who adorns themselves with all manners of tacky and ridiculous clothing, gawdy accessories, tacky jewelry, and various other forms of atrocious adornments. while they think they are quite stylish, everyone else thinks they make a 2 dollar whore look classy. they are a total fashion disaster. they are especially common in northern wisconsin.
you should have seen all the sand cranes at the bar last night.
by myronman January 7, 2011
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1 to openly masturbate without shame, and joyfully in public.

2 getting away with totally inappropriate public behavior
Dude was doing the Cody Crane on the bus stop. And a cop just ignored him.
by Florida dude the 1st February 8, 2018
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When you do some anime hand magic forming an anal crane (hands together, 8 fingers pointing up) and then sneak up on you classmate and shove it up his anus at high velocity causing him to take off and be craned.
I pulled a cracking anal crane on Cal Bats thismorning, split him in half
by Kamishawan November 20, 2020
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