an accident prone coyote doing what he can to score some roadrunner tail ...
when the runner is on the road, wile e prefers to hop on to skype and converse with mr. elly font ...
... so, how was he . as wile as ever ...

... his predecessor was known as coyote ugly, but wile e is out, he is a complete looney tune ...

... wile e coyote
by p83 February 5, 2012
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A masturbatory act for men requiring the dropping of an anvil on the man's own genitals.
The EMTs were happy to treat the young man that was permanently damaged from trying a Wile E. Coyote.
by WeinerVonSnootypants August 12, 2017
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A being or entity that is the complete slave and bitch, or asslicker of the one known as Caligulus.

A bitch of Caligulus's.

A bitch.
by Caligula the Emperor February 19, 2003
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Hispanic gang orientated in the suburbs of LA. Not a threat to anyone's well-being.
Some Los Coyotes members shot the old couple to death and stole the $5 they were carrying with them. Except for the fact that the old couple was a pair of mannequins.
by Rodney Basil May 19, 2004
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1. to speak in a way that causes one to build a reputation, particularly one of avoidance.

2. to speak in a manner which repulses others.

Spraying the coyote piss is likely to occur after heavy drinking.
"C'mon bro, you're really spraying the coyote piss; all the chicks are over there."
by beeflat February 11, 2010
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Just like coyote ugly, except that since you absolutely don't want her to wake up, you gnaw off your free arm first - for practice!
Man, she was so ugly, I thought I'd have to do a double coyote ugly move, just to make sure I ddidn't flinch or whimper!
by SuperCabbie September 21, 2007
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A stupid cartoon character that tries to catch and chase roadrunner but always failed in a funny ways especially in the "falling of canyon". Uses ACME products that makes any girls, including the ugliest, to fucked and fornicate up.
Wile E. Coyote... Super Genius... Lllllkkklll!!!
by 271% IQ by Coyote September 12, 2010
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