90 definitions by Rodney Basil

When someone steals someone else's credit card, and then proceeds to buy tons of stuff and put it ont their account.
Citi can help with identity theft.
by Rodney Basil November 6, 2003
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One who is retired. More often than not, a retiree is older than 70.
Retirees live at home until they have to live in a nursing home.
by Rodney Basil July 28, 2004
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Government codename for the failed attempt to create a cool suburban car.
SUVs were originally designed for off-road driving or tugging heavy equipment, such as boats, but now they are basically minivans in disguise.
by Rodney Basil April 5, 2004
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A car that is rarely seen driven outside of the suburbs, or by nonwhite/nonasian families. NEVER seen driven by people who are single.
Look at those guys driving that minivan! And to think that this is NYC...
by Rodney Basil April 6, 2004
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An imaginary dictionary, created by the inventive minds who cannot spell Merriam-Webster.
The Marriam Webster Dictionary, if it existed, would probably contain words such as uneducated, illiterate, and bumpkin.
by Rodney Basil April 27, 2004
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