90 definitions by Rodney Basil

Jeromy Burnitz and Geoff Jenkins each launched three dingers in the same game.
by Rodney Basil April 6, 2004
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When someone steals someone else's credit card, and then proceeds to buy tons of stuff and put it ont their account.
Citi can help with identity theft.
by Rodney Basil November 6, 2003
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One who is retired. More often than not, a retiree is older than 70.
Retirees live at home until they have to live in a nursing home.
by Rodney Basil July 28, 2004
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Not a real unit of measure. Often used to exaggerate.
I had to write, like, a jillion-page essay! Due tomorrow!
by Rodney Basil May 19, 2004
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Group with all the real WCW wrestlers in it...Sting, Nask, Konnan, Savage.
Didn't the whole Wolfpac defect to the WWF?
by Rodney Basil October 4, 2003
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One of the best gas stations around. Provide quick service with a pretty low cost. Best selection of candy available.
R: It's too bad that the Texaco near me got turned into a Shell.

B: Yeah, that's too bad. It's also too bad that you judge a gas station by its candy selection.
by Rodney Basil May 31, 2004
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How Liu Kang of Mortal Kombat would spell his name if he was white.
Lou Cang lives in the U.S.A.
by Rodney Basil November 1, 2003
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