When you study for 2+ days straight, likely in order to hit a college deadline.
Have you seen Erik? Heard he's having a knowledge bender this weekend.
by stvejobz September 21, 2019
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Benders CFC is a professional e-sports pro clubs team. The legacy of the the club is huge
Who’s that team benders CFC?

What are you on about mate their the best pro clubs team in the world
by Duggie October 26, 2018
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A period of time, usually 2-3 days, where someone has absolutely no sleep, and consumes anywhere between 60-500mg of Adderall. Occasionally mixed with alcohol and other drugs, Adderall benders are known to have a killer ending.
Jimmy - "hey Larry how was your weekend?"
Larry - "Had an unreal adderall bender, started off friday night with 60mg of adderall and a mickey of vodka, ended sunday 120mg and dying later that night"
Jimmy - "christ mate sounds like you beat both our records!"
by Rafficka March 13, 2016
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A player in an MMORPG whose online character is the opposite of their real life gender. There are many different reasons cited as to why people gender bend.

1. Men may play female characters because they're treated nicer, receive more freebies and are invited to teams more often.

2. In player-vs-player environments, female characters are often seen as weaker, and some men may seek to exploit a psychological advantage over chauvinistic players.

3. Female players may create a male character so that they are more respected and taken more seriously, especially if they try to take on a leadership role.

4. A male player figures that if he must look at his character's butt the whole time, it might as well be a female one.

5. A desire to try out a different role in an anonymous environment.

6. Gays who wish to gain more sexual interest from their preferred gender.

7. Some men are feminist enough to genuinely enjoy creating powerful women characters.

8. A perverse pleasure in getting an unsuspecting heterosexual person of the same gender to pursue a relationship, only to spring the surprise on them later.

9. For some males (usually assumed to be sexually immature or frustrated), it's a method of dominating and controlling the female body.
Don't bother trying to chase girls in online games. You never know who's a gender bender.
by Perceptor II February 3, 2008
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The feeling of remorse and haggardity one occasionally experiences after a (partying) bender.
Sorry man, I'm not going out tonight.. we killed it for three days straight and I'm experiencing a serious case of bender's remorse. My place looks like the fucking Lizard Lounge!
by Nemme October 6, 2008
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A woman who sprains dicks
"Man, Maria, you hoochy mamma!!....you're such a dick bender. You sprained my dick for the 5th time this week. You keep this up, and I'll be able to pee around corners."
by soar in AZ March 29, 2007
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Very similar to an alcohol "bender," when you go on a bacon eating spree. So you wake up in the morning intending to fry two pieces of bacon for breakfast, then decide to fry up the whole package and things spiral out of control. You have four pieces of bacon with breakfast, then have a BLT for lunch, then make bacon wrapped dates for an appetizer with bacon wrapped filet mignon for dinner. And all you can think about is bacon!
Damn, I need a bacon fix, I'm about to fry up a few packages of bacon and go on a bacon bender all weekend!
by lodsxu64 September 10, 2011
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