Another name for a quickly made Crack pipe consisting of a can bent around the leg and cigarette ashes.
T weso hurry up and craft up the whistle!

The boulder is almost done cooking!
by V dux August 28, 2007
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What you do when a girl as hot as fuck walks by.
When the sexy girl walked by, i whistled.
by me@home May 30, 2007
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Too be geeked and wasted beyond belief
“The beers are flowin good tonight boys, let’s get fuckin WHISTLED”
by Dargen April 2, 2019
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Whis·tle (wĭs′əl, hwĭs′-)

The unit of measurement for kratom dosage. A "whistle of kratom" or simply a "whistle" is a moderate dose of kratom that is equivalent to approximately 2.5-3 grams of powdered kratom. The slang is mainly used in the Midwest and West of the United States. The term has been said to originate from a technique of powdered kratom ingestion which aims at reducing the tasting of the powder. A whistle is a dose that makes for a successful ingestion of the drug using this technique without feeling the strong taste or smell of the kratom. Such an administration is "clean as a whistle", hence the name.
"Hey, have you ever tried the red vein strain?"
"Never, hand over a couple whistles of it"

"Man I got that nasty kratom taste on this one..."
"Dude, you did more than a whistle."

"David, have you been digging in my kratom?"
"No man, I mean I had like half a whistle earlier..."
by Omlax June 7, 2016
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