A phrase used instead of "Deal With It" when eating meat, preferably Veal. Can be used to deflect accusations towards yourself from another, or as a cheesy line in an action movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger where he may kill a guy who is eating Veal at the time.
Example 1
Dude 1: Dude! Thats my veal! I saved it from the other night!

Example 2
Evil Posh Guy: Oh Clarence, this Veal is simply divine!
*Arnie smashes door down, and shoots everyone in the room without hesitation*
Arnie: VEAL WITH IT! (In thick Austrian accent)
by FourteenAjk13 December 3, 2011
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Veal is a meat produced from calves.

There are three types of veal: "Bob" veal (calves slaughtered when only a few days old), formula-fed veal, and nonformula-fed veal or "red veal". Nonformula-fed veal calves are given grain, hay, or other solid food in addition to milk. Formula-fed (or "milk-fed") veal calves are raised in confinement on a solely liquid diet. The humane movement is most concerned with this group. The consumption of veal is an important part of the Italian and French diets, and the ancient part of these cultures. Due to the toughness of nonformula-fed veal, these groups are unlikely to see it as a substitute. Julia Child remarked in her The Way to Cook that nonformula-fed veal ought to be called calf.

Formula-fed veal calves are traditionally raised by restricting their physical movement in order to minimize the growth of tough muscle fiber and to keep their flesh white and tender. The finest veal meat comes from unweaned calves. Formula-fed veal farming is universally condemned by animal rights activists and other sympathizers and is used as an example of the cruelty of modern large scale animal farming, more commonly referred to as factory farming.

Veal bones are used to make veal stock, a base for many sauces and soups found in French cuisine, including demi-glace.
by SqueeCantCook October 7, 2006
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the act of a jealous and possesive boyfriend making his girlfriend, who was previously hot, fat., so less guys will find her atttractive. This is done by buying her take away and restuarent meals all the time. and saying she doesn't need to go to the gym.
"Have you seen Jessica lately? She's getting really fat."
"Yeah, that cock boyfriend of hers, Dave is vealing her.
by pazzy July 2, 2015
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a surname in which someone in the family thinks that they have extremely large breasts, but really they have little breast tissue and they are full of fat.
"hey look that girls got huge bazookas"

"nope she hasn't, she's a veale"
by mexicanguy123 April 28, 2010
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Originally used by Blues Traveler and road crew members, but known amoung jam band scene members.

To have waited for a person who fails to show up as promised without giving any warning, often because they either found something "better" to do (usually with more prestigious or "beautiful people") or because they got too wasted to make it. As in revealed.

See Veel

Dave knew he'd get Vealed, Phish was in town.

Keith as usual got drunk and Vealed me again.
by AlcheyKeith December 23, 2005
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Young female. Referring to a girl significantly younger than the interested male.
How old is she? She can't be a day older than 21. I didn't know he likes veal.
by Meat Lover November 13, 2007
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Originally used by Blues Traveler and road crew members, but known amoung jam band scene members.

To have waited for a person who fails to show up as promised without giving any warning, often because they either found something "better" to do (usually with more prestigious or "beautiful people" or people with good drugs) or because they got too wasted to make it.

To be blown off.

As in "he revealed his true self".

See Veel
Dave knew he'd get Vealed, Phish was in town.

Keith, as usual got drunk and Vealed me again.
by AlcheyKeith December 23, 2005
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