A self taken picture of the vagina
But first, let me take a vagie!
by Murrrrrrr May 31, 2015
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Nastia has a nasty vagis.
by Hellyeahs September 7, 2008
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Guy 1: Dude remember that orgy last week?
Guy 2: Barely. I DO, however, remember the stench of the massive wall of vagi.

Guy 1: You, friend, have an impressive scent memory.
Guy 2: It's a curse, really.
by Blake 4ever December 19, 2011
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Like 'Highness', as in queen or princess, except the lady in question is being a cunt, bitch, nasty tart, uppity princess, drama-queen or a royal 'Vaginess'.
Get over it your Vaginess! The world does revolve around you.
by Rupert G May 19, 2011
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Pronounced Vuh-jeye. An order dedicated to checking out the Vag, or vagina, (in reference to "vagina" a.k.a. A woman who is of superb hotness).
Those belonging to The Vagi are losers and go to places like Wal-Mart to check out chicks, women, holes, bitches, ho's, sluts, girls, VAG, vagina.

Man1: Dude! let's go check out the hot vagina at wal-mart.
Man2: yeah, okay that sounds cool. There be fine bitches at wal-mart.
Man1: Word.
by Cl0udo August 2, 2008
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A club, party or social gathering where males suddenly find themselves completely outnumbered by hot women. The female equivalent of a Sausage Factory
"Marcus and Paul had plenty of hot chicks to pick from in that bar, they were the only two guys in there. That place was a total Vagi Patch."
by TwoWeeks December 17, 2008
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Gripping sensation surrounding the Penis caused by intense muscular contraction of the Vagina during female orgasm.
Phil: Had more great sex with my posh totty today. My God when she climaxes she really grabs yer cock tight!

Craig: Sounds like she's got some serious Vagi-Grip going on there!

Phil: Hell yeah!
by Incoming.Storm August 7, 2011
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