A twenty-two caliber pistol. Similar to fofo.
Packin' a two-two, just incase somone starts some static.
by zachnnn March 23, 2007
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When a cigarette is shared and smoked equally by two persons.
Bob: "gimme a cigarette mate"
Fred: "this is my last one, but I'll twos you up on it"
by NufNufNicky February 6, 2014
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between 1 - 3

after one second
1 have two cars

I have two phones one for my mom and one for my dad
by Jummy Gummy Yummy February 1, 2017
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n. The lonliest number since the number one.
by Connor October 25, 2004
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An infamous short strip of dorms located on the second floor of the Wagner Building at Stony Brook University. The residents there make up a tight-knit community, well-known for their hatred of outsiders and love of Skoal, domestic beer, and Chaka Khan.
GC: Where you at?
D-Rock: The Two's.
by Spanish Kid March 10, 2009
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Twos is a special word. While it can be used in relation to cigarettes, it makes more sense to apply it to joints.
It makes sense as a noun -
Adjective -
imperative -
Basically the person who rolls it starts it - the person who has called 'twos' then gets it afterwards.

There is no threes or fours. It just flows from there.
got any twos? (weed, dope etc)
I'm twosed (baked)
TWOS! - order someone to roll a joint.
Im twosing (smoking a joint)
by Officer TasTwos September 28, 2006
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"Do you want a cigarette?"
"Nah, i'll just two's you instead"
by little sister of eluria July 1, 2006
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