26 definitions by Connor

the poop that stimulates the small holes in ur anus.
that kids yesturd was squirting n the wall.
by Connor September 27, 2003
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someone who tries too hard or takes backyard games too seriously
-kid slide tackles and throws elbows in a backyard soccer game-
"woah, calm down"
backyard all-star- "fuck you. you pussy"
by Connor August 15, 2014
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A nickname given to a friend who definately has substance, but you can't be sure what that substance is.
This is Borsato, we just call him 'The'.
by Connor October 24, 2004
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The definition of a new word to all of the populatin from around the world, from france to the atlanta, georgia.
Whe someone finds a new word inside the dictionary.
by Connor February 24, 2005
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Worst. Game. Ever. Made by Luckychicken games who are also behind the abomination that is Underworld(The game not movie) and a few other laughable titles
Connor: Hey man you look kinda sick are you okay??
Jake: Na man, I just played that terrible Aquaman game. *Throws up*
by Connor June 23, 2004
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n. The lonliest number since the number one.
by Connor October 25, 2004
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