Cheap jewelry. Fake "bling". Quarter machine specials....
"that chics ring was totally tinsel"
by Joebo July 11, 2005
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Seeing stars.

To have slight vision problems after falling down or having been hit in the head. Represented in cartoons as stars or songbirds circling the victim's head.

From tinsel, the chinsy gold and silver strings used to decorate during the holidays—The sensation is rather like having threads of tinsel waved just outside your field of vision.
Max: Whoa, you wiped out on that jump. You okay?
PJ: *faintly* Yeah, gimme a sec. I'm tinselling right now...
by Lady Chevalier July 29, 2005
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A person who is overly-invested in decorating for the holidays.
Person 1: "Man, Suzy's Christmas tree is up so early. It's not even Thanksgiving yet!"
Person 2: "Yeah, she's such a tinseler."
by teemingturtles November 23, 2014
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when gray hair starts to creep into the hair on your head.
I got a haircut the other day to take out some of the tinsel.
by freq May 18, 2007
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A minor affliction of the skin caused by decorating Christmas trees.(noun)
The tree looked wonderful but Carol had a bad case of Tinsellitis.
by Gwazel July 1, 2014
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a person who is flashy but worthless, similar to what a tool is.
Derrick thinks he is a pimp, but he's really a tinsel.
by Verum July 2, 2006
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The festive present that just keeps giving....

The guy gets a blowjob from the girl, then jizzs over her head/hair... She looks up in surprise and he decorates her with Tinsel, the jizz holding everything in place.

She is the queen of Christmas with her tinsel crown
"Wow Jeanie is glowing today!"Brad
"So she should... Christmas came early, last night I gavr her a Tinsel Crown she won't forget!" Mike
by UndercoverOrca May 27, 2016
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