
To take s school report from your mailbox before your parents have seen it and destroy it.
John: "Hey Reg, How'd it go when your parents saw your report card?"

Reg: "Oh they never saw it, I intercepted."
by Reginald March 3, 2004
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When you try to ejaculate in a girls mouth, miss, and get it to land in another girls mouth.
I was getting it on in the air plane when some girl got an interception with my cum shot
by Fishdick Jesus January 15, 2014
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You dont need to know what intercept fucking means
by SHHHHHHH IM NOT HERE January 6, 2021
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to yank someone's dick with your hand
dude did you just see her intercept him!!!!
by bofskbosfjb April 13, 2010
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To "interCept" an enemy and kill him.

#interCeption * Titanium : Enemy Spotted

#interCeption * Titanium : Enemy Down
by Anonymous August 20, 2003
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when you feel you have diarrhea and make an enema to get the "bad shit" thats causing the diarrhea out of your body and end it quickly
A: Yesterday I had diarrhea and spend the whole day shitting.
B: Werent you able to intercept it?
A: Nah man, you know, you have to be quick to intercept a diarrhea before you start shitting.
B: That sucks
by Sir Asbestos December 22, 2019
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When one is already pooping on the toilet and a second party poops between their legs.
Joe had to poop but Megan was already pooping. With it being the only toilet, Joe went for the Canadian Interception to avoid a lengthy clean-up.
by Piatt & Co. July 3, 2012
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