To spunk means to ejaculate.
"You appear to have spunked on my face."
by Cranberry pie January 16, 2007
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When a guy spanks or slaps another person with semen on his hand - i.e. just after masturbating.

This is a generally condescending move on par with tea-bagging, and - if executed properly - causes considerable distress on the recipient's end. Do not attempt this on someone that is physically stronger than you because they will perceive it as a sign of great disrespect.
"John was being a real douche last night, so I jerked it to a picture of his girlfriend and then spunked him in his sleep."

"Dude, knock it off or I'll spunk you."
by CornellHatesMe April 17, 2009
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Older term refering to something being "cool", bold, or blunt abour what they say and/or do.
You've got spunk kid!

Man, she's got spunk.

I wish I had spunk.
by T.iara September 10, 2010
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An acronym meaning Sports Utility Nutritional Energy Kick. A nutritional drink that despite a large marketing campaign, failed due to its confusion with the slang term spunk meaning semen.
Andre: I like drinking Spunk before i exercise
Rodney: That is disgusting
Andre: Not that kinda spunk!
by Andre Kluneberg November 1, 2010
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A cute guy. Usually only NZ and Australian use.
That Brad Pitt's such a spunk
by Kiwi gal March 14, 2003
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Breakfast of champions.
also see: semen, cum, giz, cream, that funky stuff
Tim: I just unleashed a funky load of spunk in Ashley's face last night.
Robert: Nice, man. How'd she react?
Tim: A little surprised, it woke her up.
by McRizzle, Foshizzle April 20, 2009
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A salty ejaculate which is devoured by "thirsty bitches" Said to be of similar taste to Roqufort blue cheese, spunk is the favourite beverage of many pornstars. Amusingly used by Australian "Sheilas" to describe an attractive man "he's a spunk", spunk is a calorie and protein dense nutritious food, which is commonly consumed by young Japanese women.
To spunk,
Spunked up,
Spunked all over,
Spunked in her mouth
Nasty spunk-filled whore
by Finesilver January 10, 2005
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