Loud and enthusiastic sniffing of the ground by a large dog in the hope of something to eat or something dead to roll on.
Our walk took longer than it should have because my Labrador Retriever kept stopping to snorfle.
by KatR August 4, 2011
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To audibly suck phlegm through one's sinuses. The act of snorfling is often followed with the hock a loogie.
John's boss constantly snorfles when walking past his cubicle. It's disgusting.
by Hancock2 September 27, 2010
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To laugh through the nose while kissing.
She kissed him one more time before he could get away. He snorfled, trying to break the kiss so that he wouldn't be late for class.
by blindmuse April 19, 2009
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An extremely enthusiastic kiss, one where lips and tongue are used indiscriminately.
I hadn't seen Tiffany in weeks, and when we finally got to hang out, she tipped me over backwards and snorfled me hardcore!
by KellyM. May 26, 2007
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to quickly consume a large amount of food before anybody can stop you or otherwise cockroach something of value without hesitation.
To snorfle several drinks and a plate of hors d'oeuvres before being ejected as a party crasher.
by yack wazoo October 17, 2012
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The person that kisses people with donkey faces, ugly women or actual donkeys.
Man did you see his last girls?
Yeah hes such a donkey snorfle.
by porch monkey 420 January 10, 2008
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The destruction or devouring of something in a loud or ravenous manor.

Conjunction of snort/sniffle.
The dog snorfled the box.

He snorfled that burger.

She snorfled my downstairs.
by Wildrosejoy July 12, 2024
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