One who is a genius, but also spends most of their time in bed.

Smarter than everybody else they've ever met, but also lazier than all of them too.

Such is the burden of being a lazy savant.
"That lazy savant guy on twitter just bested me in a battle of wits, as is his habit."

"I wish I was half as brilliant as that lazy savant guy."
by Jaythenerdkid September 22, 2013
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A rare condition when a person suddenly gains brilliance or previously unknown areas of expertise with the introduction of massive amounts of alcohol to their bodies.
Billy: "Man, those guys were going to steal your car outside the bar, but you kicked all three of their asses! Do you know karate?"

John: "I don't know anything, but when I'm drinking I'm a black belt. I'm like an alcoholic savant with bourbon in me."
by Louisiana Gold May 18, 2009
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a person of below average intelligence who possesses a sixth sense about women's breasts, often knowing specific personal details about them with a single glance at a fully clothed woman. In a 1987 Michigan State University study, one tidiot savant with an IQ of 83 was tested by looking at pictures of just the faces of the 50 Miss America contestants. He was able to give the exact breast size of 96% of the women, incorrectly guessing only Miss Alaska and Miss Hawaii, but was correct on all 48 contiguous states.
Jim: Why did you bring Nate along with us to the bar? He's such a doof.
Dave: Hey, man. Be cool. You'll see.
Nate: Ooohh. Ooohh.
Dave: What is it, little buddy?
Nate: At the door, brunette, natural 36C's, left one slightly larger than the right, not much, top hat nipples, medium areolas- again, left slightly larger, but just a tad.
Jim: She's smokin'!
--the next day--
Jim: Hey, Dave. That dumbass Nate was dead on about that chick's boobs. I had sex with her last night.
Dave: Damn right, he was dead on. That's because he's a titiot savant.
by theinstigator December 15, 2013
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A phenomenon in which someone actually becomes more intelligent and coherent when he becomes drunk, often spewing direct quotes and sources that he could never cite when sober.
John: Wow, I had no idea Sam was so smart, he was quoting whole speeches from Shakespeare last night.

Ralph: Dude, Sam was totally wasted last night, he's a complete drunk savant.
by Subzro85 February 26, 2010
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The zenith of humanity, a talented and intelligent, brave kind hero
by Dingding299 October 8, 2023
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1. Someone (mostly a graphic designer) who knows and recognizes an extraordinary amount of fonts.

2. Anyone who loves and breaths fonts
My boyfriend Ethan is a font savant , Whenever we walk our dogs, all he does is name the font used in every sign or storefront we see.
by Alex Purnell July 11, 2008
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A skillfully brilliant Disney scholar who possesses exceptional knowledge related to all aspects of the Magic Kingdom.
My goofy colleague, a true Disney Savant, leaves us every so often to totally immerse himself and his family in the powerfully mystic innocence that is Disneyland.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 12, 2019
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