Derogatory term for Swedish people.
Oh no, there’s a bunch of Queed’s heading our way
by Turtle it’s June 7, 2023
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Meaning awesome or all around cool. Basically Adrian and definitely not Josh. Cool or interesting. If you are queed you get all the girls.
hey man did you see that guy over there?

The one getting the blowjob and making out with that girl?

Yeah man, he is so queed.

Yeah i wish i was him...
by omgitsadri September 2, 2009
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A response generally brought on by ones stupidity or lack of common sense.
-Also see Douchebag under insultive proporties.
ex "Wow dude, could you possibly be a bigger queed"
by Dan Pattern November 10, 2006
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Dan Queeds (Dan Queed, Daniel Queeds, or Daniel Richard Queeds) is a slang term for high quality or expensive marijuana

The term originated out of Cranbrook Upper School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. It's roots come from the homonym between the name "Dan Queeds" and the expression "Dank Weeds".
"Man, I've heard that Zach has been chilling with Dan Queeds around the clock lately."
by GucciManeDaFlip February 16, 2010
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As equal to Shart (to shit and fart at the same time) Queed is known to happen amoung females who pee and queef at the same time.
"So last night, i really had to go to the bathroom while he was.... doing his thing. and i totally queed!"
by Jordypooooo April 15, 2009
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The orange dangley thing that goes on the end of a Blippy.
I found three Blippys at the thrift store, only one of them needs its queed replaced!
by Dr. OrangeGrape February 2, 2023
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