at all times. Existing or occurring without interruption or end.
Employee: I need a break.

Boss: No no no break now at all we have tons of work still!

Employee: Come on, I have been working around the clock! I deserve a break!
by vampfreak April 10, 2010
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An exclamatory statement made in anger when an already overworked person is asked to work even more.
Terrible actor from crappy trilogy about mummies:

"We can do this if we push ourselves, if we work around the clock..."

Over the hill actor from good trilogy about archeologists, but subsequently ruined by an over the hill director and aliens?!?:

by BNOVICK January 15, 2010
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Phrase, Something Colin says when he really has no idea what to say. Usually has nothing to do with time.
Paul: hey do you know why there is butter all over my tv?
Colin: imma say around mmm 2 clock
by Paul1717 December 24, 2024
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Phrase used by Colin when he doesn’t know what else to say. Usually has nothing to do with time.
Paul: do you know why there is butter all over my printer
Colin: imma say around mmm 2 clock
by Paul1717 December 24, 2024
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