Offical Poverty line for a family of 4 in the US is 18,000. this of course is based on governments idea of what ppl use money for.. Where at least 28,000 is needed to support a family of 4.

according to the government standards, about 36 Million americans are in Poverty. But the number is actually around 50 Million based on real standards
remember this quote:
"Focusing on the poor and ignoring the system of power, privilege, and profit that makes them poor, is a little like blaming the corpse for murder" - Michael Parenti
by Dong Woo November 10, 2004
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1. A condition that an individual exists in if he or she lacks the proper resources to sustain the minimum standard of what is considered a healthy existence. Income is often used as an indicator for poverty, though poverty can also refer to a lack of fundamental services, such as sanitation or healthcare, in the location that the individual resides.

2. Any kind of lacking of the necessary components or qualities
1. The homeless guy lived in poverty because he recycled cans for a living and didn't make enough money to purchase what he needed to live healthily. The African shepherd also lived in poverty, because the services necessary to make his life healthy could not purchased at all where he lived, even if he had money.

2. "There is no wealth like education and no poverty like ignorance."
-Ali ibn Abi Talib
by Qoheleth April 3, 2007
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the definition of pow jasmine purpant attuid mikey and run up the wockman
I will shoot poverty in the fucking face. They're so fucking annoying
by zhenkou February 28, 2022
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Something what doesn't exist in communism.
Thanks to capitalism, billions around the world are in poverty.
by 32121 November 20, 2015
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Unfortunate or unpleasing; bad; not money. Can be used to show disapproval.
Wow that joke was pretty poverty. You suck.
by Money from the Bank September 16, 2008
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1. The preferred state for most minorities and Democrats by the Republican party.

2. The lack of morals exhibited by the old men and oil companies who run the economy.

3. Having enough money for weed but none for lighters or rolling papers.

4. The vow taken by members of the Roman Catholic Church (you know them, right? Biggest land-owners on the planet?)
syn: bullshit

1. The Republican view towards poverty is bullshit.

2. Running away with all the fuckin' money, leaving everyone else in poverty, is bullshit!

3. Oh man... where's a pop can and two twigs to rub together? Poverty is Bullshit!

4. Those rich assholes don't pay taxes just because they wear dresses and chant? Vow of poverty, my ass... That's complete BULLSHIT!
by Madmann October 2, 2005
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Poverty is when you can't afford an internet connection, bro.
poverty is something you're not in
by croppers August 7, 2012
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