1.) To be robbed.

2.) To have your sack pinched.

3.) To be stood up.
"Shite, I have just been DIZZLED!!!"

"You son of a bitch, you just DIZZLED my sack!"

"Steve was supposed to pick me up, I think I've been DIZZLED!!"
by Andreas Pantalones January 8, 2009
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Dizzle = Deal...
Deal = Agreement
1. a business transaction:
2. arrangement for mutual advantage:
3. to buy or sell drugs

Done dizzle.
I jus got a phat dizzle on a pound.
They closed the dizzle after a week of negotiating.
The best dizzle in town.

by Michelle Carter August 12, 2007
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A combination of the word "dizzy" and "giggles". Its what you feel when you are dizzy and then can't stop laughing about it.

"Dude whats wrong with the czar?"
"He has the dizzles"
by czar grebin October 19, 2008
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Dizzle; adjv- A female with acceptional physical
attributes. Hott. Beautiful. Cutey. A girl who is doin her thing and
doin it well. DAAAYYMN!. Fly lil mama. A confident woman who got her
swag proper. Mas chica caliente. Muchacha bonita. ...You.Also
see: Dizzlette, Deezzy, Nugget, BABYGURRL!, HelloDizzle, Oh My God,
...D-IZ-Z-LE, Dihiihiizzle, Cheese, Brains are sexy too, Cougars, MILFs,
Dirty Girl, Whats yo name!.
Hey did you see that dizzle walk in?

When we went to the club there were dizzles everywhere.
by Texas Dizzles November 16, 2010
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