lool is derived from the term lol. People found out about "lool" from accidentally typing an extra l in lol but people use it now because it sounds good.
Chatter #1: Yo dude, that was soooo fucking funny.
Chatter #2: lool
by Rezert May 30, 2008
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This is the act of eradicating a life from this existence. Humans would call it 'killing someone'. It is from an alien dialect from the future and it is considered very bad (BOHDOKES). Due to their harsh, technology based society, their words are very gutteral and filled with consonants. This word actually has 2 vowels in the middle which is very rare...
Nunter lool (BAD) BOHDOKES!

The act of removing a life from existence (killing someone) is VERY, VERY bad/negstive!
by Writewirks November 3, 2019
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Lool is the smell of many elderly people on a bus. It is smell consists of leather, animal fats, cheese, warm meat, stale soap, stale sweat, wet dog, the smell of carrots rotting on a warm summers evening, pee, the french, feet and TCP (Anticeptic cream)
"you smell of lool"
"i smell lool, is granny here"
"lool aint cool"
by Ashley Lee Carr June 22, 2003
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an acronym for "long out of line", this is new, cool term is used to describe something that is so antiquated and outdated that it literally belongs at The Natural History Museum on New York City.
boy 1): What do I do, my cell is out of juice, do you have any suggestions?

boy 2) lol (laughing out loud). you can always use a public payphone.

boy 1) um. hell no. as if they still work. IMHO they are so bloody lool and belong in a museum. If you'd be so kind as to agree, I can always borrow your cell phone to call my parents.
by Sexydimma May 1, 2012
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lool is something many people typo, but if you typo it often you are a freak because it means lots of obsurd (note obsurd isn't a word, like you aren't a person) laughing.
Here is a simple example:
freaky_stranger: ASL?
lil_kid_#5: 14/M/OHIO
freaky_stranger: 15(53)/M/OHIO
lil_kid #5: Man your weird
freaky_stranger: lool
lil_kid_#5: Freak >:(
freaky_stranger: wtf?
Site_Admin: WARNING: freaky_stranger is a utter noob, lool: lots of obsurd laughter.
Site_Admin: I have banned freaky_stranger forever for: being a noob and a total asswipe on our chat.
lil_kid_#5: Thanks Admin
Site_Admin: I have banned lil_kid_#5 forever for: Don't thank me, thank him

And that is what happens when people use lool >:(
by Danger Darian September 8, 2007
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1. a stupid typo.
...that some weirdo turns into an inside joke.
Kali: "lol"
Jodee: "lool"
Kali: "..."
Jodee: "sorry! Typo!"
Kali: "... BWHAHAAA!!! that was 'lool' ishly funny!!! You loon."
Jodee: "..."
Kali: "Loolishly loolly with a lool on top!"
Jodee: "..you're crazy"
Kali: "..and you're a lool."
Jodee: "Hey!"
Kali: "Hey monsieur lool!"
Jodee: *sighs* "Hiyas?"
by Omajinai December 19, 2003
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