
the letters a, e, i, o, u, and occationally y.
"omg. i <3 vowels. they make up words"
by twotimesfour June 19, 2005
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The vowel-like sounds that a person makes during sex to express their pleasure. Some examples:

As soon as we started fucking, she started the vowels.
by bjmike February 6, 2010
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Joe called and informed me that he had in fact found me some vowels
by netsirk December 13, 2006
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A poker term for having a pair of Aces, usually a pocket pair. All other letters on cards are consonants (K for King, Q for Queen and J for Jack) but the A for Ace is the only vowel.
It is the best pre-flop hand in Texas Hold'em.
Ace/Ace is also referred to as "pocket rockets," "weapons of mass destruction," "American Airlines," and "bullets."
The short stack under-the-gun shoved all of his chips in, and the guy on the button shoved as well. I peeked at my cards, saw vowels, and eagerly shoved all my chips in as well. How could I not go all-in with vowels there?
by SavagePenguin September 14, 2010
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Damn brah, that dude's going strait Vowell on them dude's.
by FamilyValues622 January 15, 2018
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This means that you don't exactly understand what someone is saying, and you'd like them to elaborate
PERSON A: "I have a friend who has a friend who's friend has a friend that has a friend that knows somebody who knows a guy who knows a girl who's girlfriend has a boyfriend who went to a really bad doctor who's doctor's doctor's doctor's doctor ate a BigMac and flatulated on top of his flatulence until he fainted"
PERSON B: "Can I buy a vowel?"
by thebug April 10, 2008
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vowel pouch

A woman's throat, particularly related to the act of oral sex
James pitched his pale pearls in her vowel pouch
by JD5 January 23, 2006
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