a wicked new 'indie rock' band. Most people know them for thier song Naive. I admit they repeat the lyrics to their verses over and over again BUT are still an awsome band.
I'm going to see the kooks in October
by curlyripcurlgurly June 9, 2006
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An outright noob. Someone who gets blown off but occasionally used because of their financial privilege. They never get any cutty and always kill the mood.

Al: God damn it, Kooks is blowin' up my phone.

Steve: Just ignore it, he's Kooks.

by snareafiedtwistkicks March 2, 2009
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a kook is a poser who turns up in the beach car park wearing a top of the range wetsuit and carrying a spanking new surfboard, checks the surf for an hour before actually going in, when it is so obviously pumping, then when he enters the water proceeds to splash around like a drowning rabbit. tip stay at home
by snuffles October 16, 2004
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kook: A person posing as a surfer, or telling everyone that he can bust a snap, bottom turn, or barrel when they can't. Does not know the proper surf terminology or vocab. Ie. uses terms that don't make any sense

Non-kook: A person being honest about their surfing ability. Honestly expresses their surfing ability. Does NOT drop in on other surfers or snake them. Follows the rules of the lineup.

Kook: "So yea, I was out busting some gnarly pounders when this huge curler came through and swamped me. Lucky for me I just jumped on my board and threw a gnarly air over the white wash without even trying. Hee hee hee."

Surfer: "Awww man. That last set was a clean out. I got hit pretty bad. Damn thing held me down for a while. Hey heres a good set. By the way you can bust a pretty solid snap on these. Not much force though. You have to really paddle for these."


"Did you see that air? I was worried that I was going to break my board that time. But this kook dropped in on me and freakin' nearly took my head off. It's all good but...

(kook now yelling at surfer to not drop in on him).

Surfer: "You dropped in on ME! I didn't drop in on you!
Kook: Yeah well, watch where you're going bro!
Surfer: "What a kook."
by Windham February 17, 2008
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To be somewhat amusingly crazy but not necessarily in a bad or threatening way. Someone can be temporarily kooked due to an event or generally be kooked all the time. For instance, Molly Shannon and Andy Dick are kooked but Tom Cruise and Hannibal Lector are not.

This is a variation on 'kookoo for cocoa puffs'.
1. "I just saw Brad Pitt on the street and I started screaming like a banchee and whipped my top off to get his attention. I totally went kooked."

2. "He makes his cat wear an Elvis costume and does air guitar to Carly Simon meaning he's friggin' kooked."
by Doyouknowthewaytosanjose February 9, 2007
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a surfer who inhibits the enjoyment of other surfers. can be done in a few ways:

1. snake people out in the water.
2. feel they have the right to put other people down because they arent as good of surfers as others
3. pick fights with people to make yourself feel superior
4. dont follow the rules of the water

a kook is NOT someone who is a bad surfer. even if they arent that good, they still might not be a kook if they follow the right rules of the water and show respect for the other surfers. its not about how good you are, its about how much fun you're having.
Look at that guy, he gets in my way and has the nerve to start a fight with me. Whats with all the stickers on his board anyway? He's not sponsered! What a kook!
by StampMaster6000 January 17, 2008
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1. A person who calls a beginner surfer a kook.
2. A person surfing just to look cool.
3. A person with a custom board, nice wetsuit in 70 degree water, that rides white water.
Kook says: Jesus Christ! these little kids are so annoying, those fucking kooks.
by sidge1 July 21, 2007
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